April 8 – 10, 2016 USDAA Trial Results
Woodland Fairgrounds, Friday-Saturday-Sunday, team on Saturday.
Trial Chairs: Katrina Parkinson & Susan Cochran, Trial Secretary: Karey Krauter
Thanks again to everyone for being such good sports about the rain (especially our awesome judges Scott and Candy and Teri, and our course builders, and all the other sainted volunteers). Especially thank you to Candy Gaiser for filling in for Scott on Friday and Saturday!
Congrats to new titles:
+ Nora Bieber and Ricky, LAA-SILVER with Friday morning’s stp
+ Tracy Duncan and his beagleness Dylan, SAM with Friday’s standard
+ Kerry Levin and Quinlan, APD (perf-AAD), Saturday
+ Lisa White and Honey, PDCH-GOLD with sunday pairs
+ Robin Terry and Cassie, ADCH with sunday pairs
+ Sharon Murphy and Link, TM-GOLD with Saturday team
+ Tori Hancock and Zoe, ADCH with a SQ in Sunday’s snooker
Complete Results:
Level | Friday | Saturday | Sunday |
Team | ———- | Overall, Classes, Maps |
———- |
Tournament | Biathlon, Maps |
———- | GP & STP, Maps |
Masters | Fri Mas, Maps |
———- | Sun Mas, Maps |
Advanced | Fri Adv, Maps |
Sat Adv, Maps |
Sun Adv, Maps |
Starters | Fri St, Maps |
Sat St, Maps |
Sun St, Maps |
Trial Docs:
Front Page. class order, jump ht order.
GP & Steeplechase Running Orders.
Biathlon Running Orders.
Team Running Orders.
Masters Running Orders.
Starters & Advanced Running Orders.
General Trial Info. set-up times, start times, plans for PIZZA
Entry Summary.
Teams, alphabetically.
RV Signups
Timeline GUESS
Trial STATS I love how you can’t resist!
Premium and entry form.