Charitable Donations


Since its inception in 2001 TRACS has donated almost $20,000 to various organizations to promote the health, safety and care of dogs in our local communities and in disaster areas. TRACS has also donated to agility teams representing the United States and competing at the international level. These donations include:

  • Southside Topnotch 4-H:
    Supporting this chapter’s agility training, recognizing the volunteers they have provided to our agility trials.
  • El Dorado County Professional Firefighter’s Assn, Arson K9 Unit:
  • Search Dog Foundation:
  • Dogs For Diabetics:
  • faubus_and_baro_sunrise

    Faubus & Baro


    Faubus & Baro in gear


    Katya & Bodo & Hanna

  • Military Working Dogs:
    This project outfitted military working dogs in Iraq with cooling vests, protective boots, and goggles to protect them from the extreme summer heat. In addition to contributing to this project TRACS also “adopted” a specific kennel to send creature comfort items to the dogs and handlers. TRACS donated over $4,000 to the project.
  • Placer County Canine Unit:
    Placer County Patrol Division personnel are the first to respond to emergencies within the county, including the twelve canine officers and their dogs. These dogs are used in searches of narcotics, missing persons, and suspects. TRACS has donated $3,000 to outfit the dogs in custom fitted ballistic vests.
  • Sacramento County Sheriff’s Canine Assn:
    This association is responsible for providing training and equipment for Sacramento police service dogs and their handlers. In 2010 TRACS donated $2,000 for the purchase of two protective vests after the association made a public appeal for funding.  In 2015, we donated $1,600 to replace a K9 cruiser’s A/C unit.
  • Oklahoma Tornado Animal Rescue & Relief:
    2013.  $500 to OSU-Veterinary, who is doing triage for animals involved in the Tornadoes and at no cost to the owner.  $500 to the Greater Good The Gift that Gives More program where 100% of the donation will go to funding emergency assistance for animals affected by these terrible storms. $500 to the North Shore Animal League, who is performing onsite rescue efforts as well as transporting previous shelter animals to their national headquarters in New York in order to free up shelter space in OK for animals displaced during the tornado.  That way it will both reduce the chance that lost animals will be euthanized and ensures that as many owners as possible will be reunited with their pets when the immediate crisis passes.
  • Katrina Relief:
    TRACS donated over $1,500 to assist animals impacted by Hurricane Katrina. The largest portion of these funds was contributed to Noah’s Wish whose mission is to save animals during disasters through rescue and recovery services. Noah’s Wish cared for 1,974 animals in a three month period following the hurricane.
  • Collie Rescue:
    In one of the largest neglect/abandonment cases in the local area TRACS provided both financial assistance and manpower. After 74 collies were removed from a home the California Collie Rescue Coalition (now NorCal Collie Rescue) sought donations for the care of the dogs that were initially housed at the Yolo County Fairgrounds. TRACS donated $1,000 to this cause. In addition, several TRACS members attended to the collies once a week performing such services as caring for the dogs, cleaning pens, washing bowls and running necessary errands.
  • NorCal Sheltie Rescue:
  • University of California, Davis Center for Companion Animal Health:
    In memory of members dogs’, which pass over the Rainbow Bridge a donation is made in that dog’s name to the Center for Companion Animal Health (CCAH). The mission of the CCAH is to facilitate programs that focus on the health and well being of companion animals.
  • American Kennel Club Companion Animal Recovery:
    TRACS has donated a total of $600 to the ACK CAR operating fund. This non-profit organization uses these funds to provide low cost or donated chips, scanners, and enrollment; and free recovery service enrollments to active military and service animals.
  • Agility Teams Competing at the International Level:
    TRACS has donated a combined total of over $1,300 to the American Kennel Club World Agility Team and the United States Dog Agility Association, (International Federation of Cynological Sports), World Agility Championships Team, and the European Open Junior World Championships. These teams represent the United States at international agility competitions.
  • Mercer Clinic and Sacramento County Animal Care and Regulation
    In conjunction with the Sacramento Dog Training Club, TRACS assists in the August AKC trial at the California State Fair. In 2006 TRACS donated its share of proceeds from this event to the Mercer Clinic, which is a veterinary practice that provides care to the pets of our homeless population. In 2010 TRACS donated its share of proceeds to the Sacramento County Animal Care and Regulation facility that had recently undergone severe budget cuts and in 2011 the proceeds were donated to Four Paws for Vets, a program which offers fully trained service dogs free of charge to wounded vets.
  • McKinney Texas Border Collies
    In 2010 a donation of $500 was made to the Border Collie Rescue Texas Inc to help offset expenses incurred for the rescue, vet care, shelter, food and supplies for approximately 80 Border Collies discovered in a hoarder situation.
  • Morris Animal Foundation
    In partnership with Clean Run TRACS organized an Agile Gear shoe/sale party which was held during a December AKC agility trial. TRACS percentage of the sales, which amounted to approximately $750, was donated to the Morris Animal Foundation. This foundation helps animals enjoy longer, healthier lives by advancing health and welfare research that protects, treats and cures companion animals, horses and wildlife worldwide.
  • UC Davis Vet Student Scholarship
    Scholarship in the amount of $500. Students in good standing were eligible to apply if they had earned one or more of any of the following – 1) AKC agility title, 2) USDAA agility title, or 3) AKC tracking title. Japan Earthquake and Pacific Tsunami In 2011 a donation of $500 was made to the American Red Cross to aid the victims of the Japan earthquake and Pacific tsunami. The American Red Cross provides financial assistance, relief supplies, and skilled people to those impacted by natural disasters such as these.
  • California Animal Shelter Friends Inc.
    In 2012 TRACS made a donation of $2,500.00 to a local animal rescue owned and operated by Dr. Cindi Delaney, the founder and heart of this rescue. She and her group of very dedicated volunteers are committed in giving their time and energy to saving shelter animals from euthanasia in the state of California.  Dr. Delany currently competes in agility with two rescue Border Collies which she adopted through CASF.